Let Best Tree Care Help You Remove Cedar TreesCreate a Better Tree Landscape that Requires Less Care & Decreases Hazards

Managing your trees is the only way to build a healthy, resilient home landscape that can withstand drought and other challenges. Some trees should be encouraged to grow, such as live oaks or fruiting pecans. However, others deserve removal because they cause a variety of issues for homeowners. Cedars are often used to bring majesty and a touch of evergreen to the landscape. Unfortunately, cedars all too often fall into the ‘need to remove’ category.

The Mountain Cedar is Not Always Your Friend

The mountain cedar, also known as the ash juniper, is widespread across Texas. The People Against Cedars organization note that the tree causes numerous issues, but its release of allergy irritating pollen could be the most obvious problem. (http://www.peopleagainstcedars.com/) The tree releases pollen throughout the winter months when few other plants are letting out irritants. If you let these trees grow on your property, you could end up wheezing, sneezing and coughing your way through November to February.

Stop that Invasive Spread

This variety of cedar doesn’t naturally occur in the Central Texas area. These trees are originally native to Northeastern Mexico. They were imported many decades ago and spread easily and quickly. Even in the severe conditions of Texas, the cedar can thrive in the sand, rocky soil, or any other ground. There is no need for special care to see your yard or pasture fill up with cedars. These trees quickly shade the ground, which sounds good until the lack of light kills your lawn or stifles other types of growth you would prefer to see. Each year, farmers and ranchers spend weeks burning pastures to kill cedar seeds and trim out larger trees, according to the Pioneer Woman. (http://thepioneerwoman.com/blog/2012/03/why-we-chop-down-cedar-trees/)

Put Out the Fire

Each cedar that sprouts up on your land can serve as a fire hazard if you live an area where wildfires rage through the land. The wood is tight grained and smells great, but that scent comes from the highly flammable resin. Turning your cedars into a bonfire stack is a fun way to celebrate July 4th. Leaving cedars growing within 100 feet of your house could cause a lot of damage when sparks and flames spread into your area. If you choose to keep cedars nearby, invest in tree pruning to cut down on the fire risk.

Don’t take on the challenge of removing cedar trees without professional help. A trained arborist is required to ensure that each tree comes down correctly and without incident. If removed incorrectly, even the smallest saplings can cause damage to your property. Keep your landscape thriving during drought and storms by removing cedar trees so that others can flourish.

5 Reasons to Remove Cedar Trees From Your Yard